Making a Difference: The Role of Islamic Charities in UK in Addressing Climate Change

Al-Wahab Foundation
4 min readApr 20, 2023


Islamic charities in UK

Climate change has been one of the most pressing global issues of our time, and the urgency to act is increasing. In response to this global challenge, many faith communities have started to play an active role in raising awareness and taking action on climate change. In this article, we will explore how Islamic charities in UK can make a difference by speaking up about climate change within their faith community.


The issue of climate change has been a topic of discussion for decades, and its impact on the environment, economy, and society has been felt worldwide. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and land-use changes, are responsible for the majority of the increase in global average temperature since the mid-20th century. The consequences of climate change are dire, including more frequent and intense natural disasters, sea-level rise, and extreme weather events. These changes disproportionately affect vulnerable communities, including those in developing countries.

In response to this global challenge, many faith communities have started to take action on climate change. Faith-based organizations and religious leaders have recognized that the protection of the environment is a moral and ethical duty. This article will focus on the role of Islamic charities in UK in addressing climate change.

Islamic Charities in UK and Climate Change

Despite this, there are some examples of Islamic charities in UK taking action on climate change. One such example is Islamic Relief Worldwide, which has incorporated climate change into its development work. Islamic Relief Worldwide recognizes the impact of climate change on vulnerable communities and has implemented projects to mitigate its effects, such as introducing drought-resistant crops and promoting renewable energy.Islamic charities in UK play a vital role in addressing the needs of vulnerable communities, both domestically and internationally. Many Islamic charities work in areas such as disaster relief, poverty alleviation, and education. However, the issue of climate change has not been a primary focus for many Islamic charities in UK.

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Speaking Up about Climate Change within the Faith Community

One of the most effective ways for Islamic charities in UK to make a difference in addressing climate change is by speaking up about it within their faith community. Islamic charities have a unique position to influence the views and behavior of Muslims in the UK on this issue.

Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of environmental protection and sustainability. For example, the Quran states that “corruption has appeared on land and sea because of what people’s own hands have earned” (30:41). This verse highlights the responsibility of humans to protect the environment and avoid actions that harm it.

Islamic charities in UK can use their platforms to raise awareness about climate change and promote actions that mitigate its effects. These actions can include reducing carbon emissions, promoting renewable energy, and adopting sustainable lifestyles. Islamic charities can use their networks to disseminate information on climate change and promote sustainable practices.

Moreover, Islamic charities in UK can collaborate with other faith communities and environmental organizations to amplify their message on climate change. The issue of climate change affects everyone, regardless of their religious or cultural background. Therefore, working in partnership with other groups can enhance the impact of Islamic charities’ work on climate change.

Challenges and Opportunities

Islamic charities in UK face several challenges in addressing climate change. One of the main challenges is the lack of resources and funding for climate change projects. Many Islamic charities have limited resources and are already stretched thin in addressing other pressing issues such as poverty and conflict.

Another challenge is the lack of awareness and understanding of climate change within the Muslim community. Many Muslims in the UK may not be aware of the severity of the climate crisis or its impact on vulnerable communities. Therefore, Islamic charities need to invest in education and awareness-raising initiatives to inform and engage the Muslim community on the issue of climate change.

Despite these challenges, there are also opportunities for Islamic charities in UK to make a difference in addressing climate change. One opportunity is to incorporate climate change into their existing projects and programs. For example, Islamic charities can promote energy efficiency and renewable energy in their development projects or encourage sustainable practices in their education programs.

Another opportunity is to leverage their partnerships and collaborations to enhance their impact on climate change. Islamic charities can work with other faith-based organizations, environmental groups, and government agencies to share resources and expertise and to develop joint initiatives to address climate change.


In conclusion, climate change is a global issue that requires action from all sectors of society, including faith communities. Islamic charities in UK can make a significant difference in addressing climate change by speaking up about it within their faith community. By leveraging their platforms, networks, and partnerships, Islamic charities can raise awareness about the issue and promote actions that mitigate its effects. While there are challenges, there are also opportunities for Islamic charities to incorporate climate change into their existing work and collaborate with others to enhance their impact. It is imperative that Islamic charities in UK recognize the urgency of the climate crisis and take action to protect vulnerable communities from its effects.



Al-Wahab Foundation

Since 2014, Al-Wahab Foundation (AWF) has developed into a multifaceted organization,